
Why Text Marketing Is the Bread and Butter for Targeting Gen Z

Text marketing, SMS campaigns, and conversational messaging, to some in the broad world of marketing, might as well be a foreign language. Omnichannel messaging and the aforementioned forms of advertising and customer interaction aren’t as widely used as other forms of marketing — yet — which is why many are still unfamiliar with the power of these channels. To some, they don’t mean anything.

But to the right audience, they mean everything. That’s what makes text marketing and organizations like Mitto, a provider of omnichannel messaging solutions, unique — and extremely valuable.

To the rest of us old-time millennials, most standard forms of marketing work just fine. Combine that with a solid company and product, and you’ve got a slam dunk. But Generation Z is an entirely different beast altogether, one that requires the quick action yet powerful follow-through that only SMS campaigns and omnichannel messaging can provide.

Generation Z and Text Marketing

Platforms like Mitto are invaluable in providing marketing solutions to reach the rich Generation Z demographic. It’s not that SMS campaigns and conversational messaging don’t work on other demographics — because they do. But due to the way Gen Z prefers to interact with brands and e-commerce, it’s solutions like Mitto that help organizations perfect and optimize their SMS campaigns in a way that specifically caters to this demographic.

Generation Z as consumers consists of shoppers who are extremely well informed, passionate about their beliefs, and don’t particularly like waiting for … anything. And this is what makes text marketing such an effective tool for Generation Z — but it serves more than one purpose.

From Checkout to Checkup

Everything in Generation Z is about speed. Brands have about eight seconds to capture the attention of members of Gen Z — generally born between 1997 and 2012 —  with their ad campaigns, and they prefer 24/7 support and lean toward click-to-purchase and in-app payments when they spend money online.

In addition, they’re passionate about the security of their shopping experience. A large number of consumers from this demographic say they prefer instant two-factor authentication during checkout via text message. And they want the message to arrive in lightning-quick time — otherwise, it could prompt them to drop the purchase altogether.

Mitto provides the solution in an efficient, all-in-one package that caters to all these preferences and needs. Consider the following scenarios and solutions courtesy of a platform like Mitto when dealing with a Gen Z consumer.

The right SMS solutions allow you to send instant two-factor authentication prompts during the payment process, providing them with the speed and security they’re looking for.

Messaging also allows you to leverage the power of text message click-to-pay links, sending consumers directly to checkout without the consumer doing anything besides clicking and entering their payment info.

SMS also gives you the opportunity to send instant follow-ups and quick customer experience surveys that members of Gen Z are much more likely to interact with, as opposed to those same post-transaction items sent via email. You’ll also increase their satisfaction with your customer service by providing a chatbot — or even better, a live person via text — to solve their problems 24/7.

Finally, by using conversational messaging, you can stick to your brand story and voice by using a short message while marketing the products you want and offering the preferred click-to-buy link in the same breath.

Understanding these elements can pay huge dividends for your organization when it comes to marketing to Gen Z. It’s a simple solution, but one that often goes unchecked because of the relatively niched-down category that Gen Z currently falls under. But here’s a news flash: It won’t be long until these same thrifty consumers are making bigger purchases and taking over a much larger swath of the market.

Maxim Joy
the authorMaxim Joy