
Firebase: backend as a service provider

As above said BaaS is the best way for this but how to the best reliable BaaS provider? Well, Backend as a service has become a sensible solution for application builders, who can’t bear customized backend because they don’t have expertise with them to work on, less budget is also a reason in short time pressure. Including, that now companies use backend as a temporary option until the time their application is set to go to live with a custom backend.

As in 2011 mobile backend as a service became a cloud computing trend. Many companies like google, amazon have also come up with their products. Know more about What is baaS, Firebase, its advantages, and disadvantages, its features in brief.


At first, Firebase was founded as a real-time storage allowing chat feature incorporate for application or website. Later the company was given to Google, and a things changed. After many successful integrations with other services acquired by Google, Firebase became a multichannel platform offering a variety of functionality to mobile developers without the need for developing a backend app from scratch. Well, firebase has its downside also but before that, we’ll be discussing its features and advantages.

These days, Firebase is one of the top providers of BaaS, giving the following features:

  • Analytics

A device that measures app usage and client meetings data for free,

  • Cloud messaging

A platform that enables to send messages and notifications, now available in iOS android and web apps for free.

  • Approval

A device only used by client-side code for user authentication, it manages social media logins like Twitter, Google, Facebook, Instagram, and the google developer are allowed with email password authentication, stored in firebase.

  • Data

Devie can store audio, video, images including all file types and other users operated content.

Advantages of Firebase

  • Server

You can build a trusted application without a server as firebase allows and cares for about the client ease to use.

  • Google services

At no extra cost, you can enjoy all the benefits of google analytics as a part of firebase. All the cloud-based service offered by Google follow a similar pattern.

  • Developer community

Firebase had a wonderful number of developers more than a year ago. But the current number has not been revealed, it is obvious that the number of developers has surprisingly increased. Developers discuss everything to do with the product in a channel of the Firebase community.

  • Separate use of Firebase features

You don’t have to buy the complete setup in firebase. Choosing to use some particular features is what many people to do which depends on their usability. There are some functionalities that is offered for free, thus many features can be integrated with Google and can be taken advantage of.

  • Short Time

Development time is reduced a lot and thus client has the authority over more framework with features adding actual value

Maxim Joy
the authorMaxim Joy